History of Breeders
The Story of T.H Seeds
Having been around for more than ten years, T.H. Seeds has established itself as one of the most highly regarded seed companies in the world. It has introduced to the world numerous and now infamous cannabis varieties such as the original Bubblegum, the impressive sativa S.A.G.E. and many more. It can definitely be said that T.H. Seeds has secured its place as a leading competitor in the cannabis seed industry as they won first prize in the Indica Seed Category at the High Times Cannabis Cup for two years in a row now, for respectively The Hog (2002) and MK-Ultra (2003).
1993 was the year T.H. Seeds established its name in the world of cannabis cultivation. Right in the center of Amsterdam, it had its base at the cool hangout called C.I.A. (Cannabis in Amsterdam). The C.I.A. was not only the headquarters for T.H. Seeds but also the first outlet for Europe’s first and finest Hemp store Hempworks.
Many notorious cannabis connoisseurs were impressed by the C.I.A and it quickly became one of the most popular places to visit, meet other cannabis enthusiasts and exchange knowledge on cannabis cultivation. R.C. Clarke perfectly described it as he named it “the epicenter of the cannabis universe”.
Due to Amsterdam’s bureaucratic reasoning in 1995, the C.I.A. had to close down, but fortunately they found a great location right around the corner from where the store used to be. T.H. Seeds and Hempworks are now established on one of Amsterdam’s most famous shopping streets, the Nieuwendijk.
Impressive introductions followed like the living legend S.A.G.E. in 1995. This strain rapidly became one of the worlds most sought after sativa’s. The great flavor and the long lasting high conquered many cannabis loving hearts. The great results on growing this plant made it one of the most attractive sativa’s to grow. Over the years S.A.G.E. has been gaining more and more respect resulting in numerous awards. In the year 2000 it took first place at the High Times Cannabis Cup in the hash category. A year later it won the second prize in the Press Cup at the same Cup. In 2002 it was awarded at the High Life Cup with a second prize for seed companies and also grabbed second place in the outdoor category.
Other interesting strains from T.H. Seeds’ original collection include the flavorful Chocolate Chunk, the massive producer Heavy Duty Fruity, the resin-packed Kal-X and a knockout variety The Hog.
This year T.H. Seeds added two new varieties to its collection: Sage ‘n Sour, a killer cross between the flagship strain S.A.G.E. and the infamous Sour Diesel. A tasty Sativa with a reasonably short flowering time. The other new strain is called MK Ultra. A special cross between the legendary (super strong!) G-13 and world famous L.A. Kush, Very strong and flavorful.
One thing’s for sure and that is that T.H. Seeds has grown a lot in the past years. Its main focus has always been and always will be preserving and improving their line of top quality of seeds and meeting the demands of growers and smokers.
T.H.Seeds past Victories:
1995 Cannabis Cup: Kal-X hash laminate takes 3rd place in the hash category
1996 Cannabis Cup: Bubblegum hash micro-chip takes 3rd place in the hash category
1996 HasH Bash: Bubblegum laminated hash takes 2nd place in the hash category.
1998 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. takes 3rd highest THC level with 21% THC. This THC test included all 50 varieties entered including seed companies and coffeeshops giving The S.A.G.E. a higher THC level then any of the Cannabis Cup winners
1999 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. takes 3rd highest THC from all the varieties entered.
1999 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. water hash takes 2nd place in the Hash category.
1999 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. water hash takes 2nd highest THC level with over 46%
2000 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. water hash takes 1st place in the hash category
2001 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. takes 2nd place for best overall weed in the Press Cup, voted by the international press.
2001 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. rated highest Sativa by High Times writer Kyle Kushman.
2002 Cannabis Cup : The HOG, takes first place in the seed company Indica Cup
2003 Cannabis Cup : MK Ultra, takes first place in the seed company Indica Cup
The Story of Serious Seeds
The breeder behind Serious Seeds, Simon, is responsible for the material sold by the seed bank. He studied biology at one of the universities in Amsterdam and was always a non smoker. (Tabacco, and therefore also marihuana because in Holland it is common practice to mix the latter with tabacco and roll a joint.) He only discovered the merits of smoking pure marihuana after his study while travelling through Africa in 1986. Today he remains one of the few dutch who smoke this wonderplant in its pure form as one should. From that moment on he started collecting seeds. Back in Holland he immediately started growing those seeds out for personal pleasure crossing what he thought were the best plants seemed a natural follow up. Contacts with other growers gave him access to different plants from which he also selected the best ones. The genetic background of this material was not always clear.
Simon taught biology at a highschool when Alan Dronkers asked him to come and work at Sensi Seeds. It was quite a carreer change to do that but he never felt sorry about it. After some time working for Sensi he left and started a seed company with some American pot refugees. That year (1994) the AK-47 as well as the Chronoc won prices at the American Cannabis Cup festival in Amsterdam. That first seed company with the Americanshowever fell apart soon, and in 1995 Serious Seeds was grounded. It has always been a Serious policy to have the products grown from the different seeds available to trie out in some of the best coffeeshops in Amsterdam. The 'Greenhouse' is one of those coffeeshops which carries Serious' products to smoke from the start in 1995 to this date. Greenhouse coffeeshop won a Cannabis Cup in 1995 with the Kalimist grown by Serious Seeds. In 1996 another famous Amsterdam coffeeshop the 'Dampkring' won the Overall Cup at that years Cannabis Cup with the newest Serious strain White Russian. Another serious shop from the early days is the 'Blue Bird' and recently also the 'Dread Rock', they really sell what is listed instead of anything under an often asked for name.
Serious has always been a small company, and prefers to stay like that. We love to smoke ourselves and basically trie to develop new and interesting plants to grow and smoke for our own pleasure as well as for our clients.
This means we don't work to produce some- thing new every year for commercial reasons or to compete in the next contest. We want to put a new name out when we think we have something worth while for pot growers and smokers to trie out.
F1 hybrid - first generation offspring of 2 (usually different and unrelated) parents
Germination - the sprouting of a seed, the tip of the root appears first
Indica - referring to type of plant which looks short, bushy, leafy with broad leafs, grows a dense, compact bud in a shorter flowering time than another type of plant; Sativa
Medicinal plant - plant seemingly useful for certain groups of patients (usually with high concentration of THC, possibly combined with other cannabinoids)
Sativa – type of plant which looks tall, slender, with open in stead of dense buds, long flower times, but with usually better smoking effect than other type of plant; indica
Strain – a line of plants from common ancestors with certain characteristics
THC – short for the molecule responsible for the High effect in Cannabis
Plant of the Year 2003: Serious Seeds 'AK47'
It seems strange to choose as ‘PLANT OF THE YEAR’ a plant, which has been around for almost ten years. The prestigious ‘High Times’ magazine made the decision And was published in the December issue. What was the reason for this?
The original article was written by Jorge Cervantas, the author of ‘Indoor Marihuana Horticulture’ and a regular co-writer for the American magazine. He told me that he wasn’t part of the group who came to this decision but merely got the order to write the story. Since he doesn’t live in the US any more he is not aware of all the things going on at the office. When contacting the SERIOUS SEEDS office I didn’t get much wiser. It was a surprise to them also. Although they stated that it was a well-earned price for a plant, which, notwithstanding the fact that it won more awards than any other plant known, still was never trumpeted about much.
Could that be it? Surely the AK-47 is a well-known name in the cannabis scene since Serious Seeds coined it in 1995. But when scanning through old magazines I have to admit that little attention was given to it in articles. The fact that it is well known amongst growers is mostly from own experience and from their opinions given in chat rooms on the Internet. But when you look at a well-known name like ‘White Widow’ another plant thrown into the world by Dutch breeders at about the same time as the ‘AK-47’ the latter seems under snowed by the first. For years the name ‘White Widow’ was heard everywhere. But now, almost ten years later it seems that the AK-47 has been gaining popularity over the years and was slowly but surely growing out to be such an acknowledged and reliable champion that there was enough reason to have it chosen as plant of the year 2004. The popularity of this plant is not due to some successful and carefully planned campaign. No, it came from what matters; from the experience of growers everywhere buying the seeds and liking the results they got from them. They made the plant popular and if this is the reason for the ‘Plant of the year’ choice than it is indeed a rightful one.
An ongoing phenomenon with popular seed names, which has been seen for years, is that other Companies like to use those names. They start selling seeds under either the same or almost the same name as the original. People who don’t know the name of the companies who produced the original seed names are an easy victim when they ask for this name and get a cheap imitation in stead. At this moment for example is the ‘Nirvana’seed company doing exactly that. They sell a seed with the name of ‘AK-48’, how original can you be? But that’s not all. When you compare the description of this strain at their website with that of ‘AK-47’ by Serious Seeds it is impossible to see a difference. They copied it till the last letter, won awards and all!! This is not only parasiting on the popularity of reputable seed companies, it is cheating and robbing people who are not aware of what is going on. Practices like this are the cause of bad raps in the cannabis scene. Although ‘Nirvana’ is not the only seed producer making money like this, they seem to be the leading company when it comes to parasiting on popular names.
Facts of AK-47:
The name does not refer to any violent idea but was chosen because it is a ‘one hit wonder’
At least 7 awards were gathered over the years in different weed festivals
With 20% THC the strongest entry at the Amsterdam’ Cannabis Cup of 1999 (2nd place)
The name AK-47 is sometimes also used by other seed companies than Serious Seeds, this is a common thing when certain names become popular (BEWARE!)
The original packaging comes in an airtight tube containing 15 seeds attached to a card with a picture of the strain on the front and a serial number, which must be kept in case problems do occur
Please look for the original packaging when you buy Serious Seeds strains or you know they are copies.
The Story of Magus Genetics
Not everybody succeeds in finding his destination at first go. Many people pass through several jobs before finally discovering – often by chance – that special thing that they like the most and want to do forever. This often applies to people who are active in the field of hemp business, here lateral hires are more rule than exception. There is no special “hemp apprenticeship” that would directly pave the way into the branch, so many people have a different approach, making use of something that they`ve learnt in their former jobs or by self-made education.
Gerrit exactly is that kind of “patchwork guy”. The list of jobs he went through before falling for hemp is long and manifold. Gerrit reports: “I had a shipload of different jobs, varying from working in the flower bulb industry, to being an electrician, maintenance engineer, industrial paint sprayer, grease monkey (car repair moonlighter), steel caster, and bartender/porter, just to name a few.” But he openly admits that he “did not like working for a boss”, “I'm not very good with authorities”, as he puts it. Discovering the drug cannabis should not only lead to the end of his job odyssey, but also serve as an act of deliverance to him: Gerrit managed to turn away from alcohol. While not having been a typical alcoholic, he used to drink a lot quite often, afterwards turning aggressive and erratic. At the early age of eleven already, Gerrit had smoked cannabis for the first time, but not noticed anything else than nausea. It wasn`t until he became 17 or 18 that he tried it again, however, always in the state of drunkenness so that cannabis would have a sedative, sleepy effect on him every time. Sometimes later, when he had decided to stop boozing, he sensed that “cannabis could do a lot more than just putting me asleep”. Amongst other things, helping him to become laidback and peaceable, ceasing his “jumpy neurotic behaviour”, but most important of it all: It supported him in keeping his hands away from alcohol. Hence it`s no surprise that Gerrit says: “Cannabis has enriched my life”.
And that not only mentally. Because with his small, but fine seed collection, Gerrit has been very successful for years already, in addition, he opened a hemp shop in Enkhuizen/NL in Juli 2002 („Magus Genetics Hemp Store“) which also gains much resonance. But one thing after another. Because the way in which Gerrit attained his seed strains, and how he happened to open a seed bank, is very uncommon. At the beginning of the 90ies, he started home growing, choosing an outdoor location. He used Afghani and Skunk bag seeds that he had selected out of coffeeshop weed in 1989. Because he was not familiar with female and male cannabis flowers, he did not realize that the Afghani plants were male and pollinated a female skunk, resulting in a lot of F1 seeds. In the following winter, Gerrit also practised indoor cultivation, mainly making use of clones that he had bought from a friend. But he also took some seedlings and clones of his own material, both his self-F1 hybrid Skunk/Afghani and once again the supposedly pure, but commercial Skunk bag seeds. He noticed that his own F1 hybrids of Skunk/Afghani clearly were more vigorous than the pure Skunk plants, but could not match them in terms of smell and taste. Because his Skunk seed supply was exhausted, Gerrit decided to hybridize his last female Skunk specimens (he had taken several cuttings of the best plant), with the pollen of some male Skunk/Afghani F1s. The resulting generation proved to be very vigorous and even superior to the Skunk mother in terms of aroma and potency, but did not yield as much as the bought cuttings so that Gerrit kept buying them and only grew a few of his own pedigree in the shaded corners of the room. Until spring 2003, he left it with that, but then suddenly his friend got into troubles and Gerrit was forced to fill out the whole cultivation space with his own hybrids. Thanks to this accident, he realised that the reason why his own hybrids had always yielded lower than the bought cuttings simply was that they had to stand in the shade, far away from the light source. From now on, they received optimum light intensities, what made them yield very well, too, and Gerrit made up his mind to exclusively grow his own genetic material in the future, instead of “being dependent on other people”.
But he also had another incentive to grow his own: Meanwhile he had gotten into contact with the “Bluebird”, one of Amsterdam`s most popular coffeeshops, and the Bluebird guys sold Gerrit`s own creation under the name “Warlock”, enthusing a steadily increasing circle of customers that cried for more. And they should get more – Gerrit managed to further improve his hybrid`s yield, by optimizing the growing factors. He did not continue the breeding process and kept on reproducing one single superb mother plant by taking cutting from cutting over years. However, in 1997 he got worried about the germination power of his original hybrid seeds which were several years old now. He also was afraid that in case of being busted or stolen, his mother plants would disappear forever. So Gerrit decided to make a cut in production and put the whole matter on a more professional basis. He also felt inspired by the fact that the Bluebird had taken 3rd place in the bio category of the High Times Cannabis Cup 1997 with his “Warlock”. He sowed all original seeds that were left, still obtaining a good germination rate. Simultaneously he started reading a lot of botanical and breeding literature, what made him realise that he would need far more growing space in order to get the best out of the genetic potential of his hybrid. So he hired a larger grow room, at the same time letting his seed operation be regularly registered at the local chamber of commerce from January 1998. Between 1997 and 1998, Gerrit worked with 50 different breeding lines that he had created out of 25 female individuals and 2 different males. He made sure to have numerous safety copies of the respective parents and selected the best line for creating Warlock as commercially available seed strain for the first time, introducing it to the market at the High Times Cannabis Cup 1998 with great response.
Warlock – this strain proved to be a true lucky punch. It is especially remarkable that a breeder has created something outstanding and unique out of completely regular and commercial strains like Afghani and Skunk. In the following years, Gerrit experimented within the original gene pool what resulted in a new father plant for Warlock. This specimen was also used to create new varieties like Exile (x White Widow/Northern Lights), Starwarz (x Sensi Star), and Double Dutch (x pre-2000 Chronic), while Starwarz is only available as weed at the “Bluebird”, not as seed strain. Gerrit himself prefers Warlock, when it comes to the quality of the high, but recommends the Double Dutch for optimum yields. He says that the 1999 ban on seed production in Holland actually was irrelevant to him, because he used to work in the underground likewise before and after that. He had already decided to move to a slightly smaller grow room at the end of 1998, since the rent had proved to too high for him, as he had not yet started the professional sale of seeds. But also now, he has an adequate facility for ensuring both further development and maintenance of his strains. Double Dutch also became most popular within short, and Gerrit`s latest hit, the outdoor strain “Biddy Early” (Early Pearl/Skunk x Warlock, “but there is way too much Early Pearl influence to call it an outdoor Warlock”, as Gerrit says), surprised everybody at the High Times Cup 2003 by taking second place in the sativa category, beating numerous indoor strains! Gerrit is also working on other breeding projects, such as Sensi Star x Warlock, and an exotic sativa strain called “Zamal”. He believes that the seed market will keep on increasing in the future, but also, that the price dumping, as practised by certain competitors, will get even worse. Gerrit for his part wants to keep his reasonable prices (50-70 Euros for 10 seeds are a fair offer).
He grows his plants on a regular peat-moss/perlite medium, pH 5.8 and EC 0.8 in the beginning. For plants that reach a height of up to 60 cm in the course of their life cycle, he uses 7.5 litre pots, which is sufficient for most of his experimental plants. Night and day temperatures usually amount to 15 resp. 25°C, at an air humidity of approx. 70% during vegetative growth, and about 50% in the flowering stage. For producing seeds for sale, Gerrit uses two male/female plant pairs (identical copies) at different locations, out of safety reasons.
In the summer of 2002, he opened his “Magus Genetics Hemp Store“ in Enkhuizen, offering almost every availabe hemp product to his customers. Gerrit had the special goal to create an appealing shop ambience, because he “wanted to to break up all that common associations concerning hemp like illegality and ominousness, and to appeal also to non-cannabis smokers, with a nice looking and inviting shop”. And he succeeded in this goal, according to Gerrit, many people come to his shop who are curious about the manifold ways of hemp application and respective products, like textiles, cosmetics, healthy foods or hemp paper. The drug aspects are also frequently discussed thereby, and Gerrit feels happy then about being in a position to give competent advice and education. It was especially important to Gerrit to expand his business in terms of communication and customer contact. But his wife Corinna, his right hand in the company, of course plays the most important role in his life: “She`s the only thing in life that has a greater influence on me than cannabis”, he reveals – what a nice end to this story.
The Story of The Flying Dutchman
One of the few people in the world with a Cannabis history of more than 30 years decided to share his experience and knowledge about breeding the highest quality Cannabis seed varieties.
Thousands and thousands of people must have grown his seeds without knowing they were his, as a wholesaler he provided many seed retailers with his seeds.
Now he has given a new dimension to his life of working with Cannabis by opening the Cannabis College Foundation Amsterdam and his first Flying Dutchmen Seed shop.
During the sixties in Holland, all that was available was hashish, and low grade imported grass. During the early seventies, a small number of Dutch enthusiasts started to grow two Dutch strains, known as ‘The Purple’ and ‘The Green Lemon’ types. These were very large plants with small buds and a very average taste and high. In fact during the Second World War this grass was used as a substitute for tobacco.
Eventually a few seeds made it over from Afghanistan so the Dutch started to work with this new variety.
Suddenly this weird character showed up on the scene from America trying to introduce the Dutch enthusiasts to some new varieties of seeds.
He brought over pure true breeding strains like Early California, Thai, Mexican and Silver Haze from Columbia, Afghan and South African seeds. Most importantly he brought over a few crosses that he had already made himself, including the very first Skunk Number One which is a Columbian, Mexican, Afghan cross. This earnt him his present nickname THE SKUNK MAN.
Eddy who worked directly with The Skunk Man was one of the three major players of that time with an interest in superior plants.
The base genetics for almost all the grass that you see in Holland today originates from these three guys work. They were all a little sceptical of The Skunk Man’s bigger and better American ways but Eddy decided to grow out his seeds in greenhouses, using crude methods to simulate day and night cycles and gauge the results for themselves.
In 1984 the first crop was grown out and the results were outstanding, higher yield and better quality, Eddy never looked back.
In order to find ideal genetics (both the male and female) plants were being grown out of seeds, tens of thousands at a time in a green house and the top 50 were selected, then crossed again and grown out thousands at a time, always trying to isolate the best.
Once you have found the best breeding stock by allowing all plants to fully mature (flower).
How do you hold that plant back for future breeding genetics?
There were talks that in America a couple of people had experimented with the concept of cloning.
Eddy chose some mature female flower cuttings and left them under florescent lights in someone’s attic in the hope that they just might take. After 18 weeks only 20% survived, but it was not until a further 6 months had passed that one of the plants ‘sprouted one little leaf’ probably the first successful cloning of flowered cannabis ever.
The moment that little leaf shoot appeared cannabis history changed forever.
Paradise Seeds - How it all began…
After 12 years of growing, testing and experimenting with many different varieties, Paradise Seeds was founded in 1994. About 17 years ago in Amsterdam, many coffeeshops started to sell imported hash from India Afghanistan or Morocco and weed from Thailand, Columbia, Mexico or Malawi. Most of this was of poor quality. But things were changing, new types were introduced from the U.S that were early crossbreeds of already higher quality. Since then we got involved in the early research for better quality strains. This took place in Amsterdam and at several outdoor locations in Holland. Our aim was to create better weed, with a sweet/spicy taste and stronger high, for our own use.
This resulted in several new varieties and the seeds were given to a number of people to grow. Due to early pioneers such as ourselves, Dutch cannabis became the best in the world and growing got evermore popular. Also many foreign people realised Dutch cannabis was of the highest quality. They took seeds home, to grow for personal use. At that time our seeds found their way to the people at a local coffeeshop in Amsterdam.
The demand increased and what started as research and experiments for personal knowledge and dedication to the Ganja bush, had become ‘Paradise Seeds’, a reputable seed bank, for growers that demand only genuine and finest quality seeds.
In 1999 we won the first prize with our famous variety Sensi Star in the Highlife Cup, the biggest, objective contest in Holland, for coffeeshops, growshops and seedbanks. Again in 1999 we won first prize in the Hightimes Cannabis Cup with Sensi Star, and got fourth with Nebula! In 2000 we won second prize with Sensti Star again at the Hightimes Cannabis Cup.
Paradise seeds maintains strict selection criteria on characteristics such as potency and taste. This results in the creation of powerful strains, that will satisfy everyone who wants to enjoy the sweetest fruits of the Dutch garden of Eden. Our seeds are grown organically and tested regularly on viability. We are dealing with living material, therefore we can not guarantee that all seeds will germinate. One packet contains 10 seeds, and comes with basic information on growing, flowering and harvesting.
Be aware there are several imitations on the market. Feel free to contact us for information where to purchase the original Paradise Seeds. Give us a call while having a spaced out visit to Amsterdam, if you want to take some seeds home!
Due to the excellent quality of our seeds and our dedication to the ganja bush, you can soon proudly present your friends with a master smoke!
Paradise Seeds
The Story of Soma
Soma is a 55 year old Rastafarian who is spiritually dedicated to the Sacred cannabis plant. He has been working with the plant for 37 years. He wears pants and shirts made out of it, smokes it constantly,he has a prescription for 10 grams a day, and studies every aspect of the marijuana phenomenon.
He feels that it is one of the tools that can save humanity from it's direction of self destruction. He knows that it helps healing take place whenever and wherever it is used. Unlike aspirin, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and nuclear radiation, cannabis has never killed anyone. It is one of the safest therapeutic substances known to man. Humankind has been using it since time immemorial.
It is one of the best paper sources in the whole wide world, it can be recycled 7 times, takes one fifth of the pollution to manufacture than tree paper, and could be a totally renewable source of Bio-fuel. Hempseed is one of the best sources of vegetable protein available on planet earth and 55% of a mature cannabis plant is seeds.
The only problem is the art of cannabis has been recently lost to mankind, it has been lied about, it has been suppressed, it has come close to genocide and the fear factor for this safest of substances has been blown totally out of proportion. Soma Seeds plans on changing the direction a few things are going these days. First of all Soma Seeds is an earth friendly business striving to think of earth first in the business that we create. We grow our seeds biologically, we let our hearts guide us with the plants, not calendars, not money, not power trips, but a sacredness, a vibration of mutual trust, an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, a friendship. Soma Seeds focus's on the medicinal side of cannabis,constantly striving to find better and better geneticis to be used in a medicinal way.
Medicinal cannabis has to be grown in a manner where the end product is truly going to make the patient feel better, not full of pesticides, poisons, and money vibes. Our seeds are tested constantly for their germination quality. We have a line of 100% female seeds as well as male and female seeds. Our male and female seeds are usually about 30% male 70% female.
We have 20 different types of seeds available.
The Story of Nirvana
Cannabis seeds history of Nirvana goes way back to the end of the 1980's. At that time Nirvana's founder was working at Amsterdam's most famous grow-shop, the legendary "Positronics", and it was the knowledge and inspiration that he received there that moved him to think about starting his own cannabis seeds company. Years were spent traveling, seeking out and collecting marijuana seeds from the finest strains. And more years went in experimentation, growing, cross breeding and developing the new cannabis strains from among which Nirvana selected the best to become their range of high quality hybrid marijuana seeds. After applying and expanding his experience in a number of Amsterdam's best known grow-shops it came time to offer the expertise he had gained, and the high quality products he had developed, to the world. The result of this initiative was the foundation of Nirvana in 1995. Originally a cannabis seed specialist, Nirvana is now an innovative business concept. It has developed into a shop with a unique and original range of self-developed hemp products that extend the uses of this extraordinary plant further than ever before.
While constantly improving and extending its range of high quality cannabis seeds, Nirvana has also developed a range of hemp products that are unique. As the new millennium starts, alongside Nirvana's own Home-brew Hemp Wine and Hemp Beer, there is a choice of original products such as Hemp Vinegar, Hemp Ice Tea and Eva's Paradijs, Hemp Liqueur.
In the heart of the picturesque Pijp, the Nirvana B.V. Headquarter lives up to its name; adding colour and serenity to the surrounding streets. Inside, Among the holy images and smart shop products, the vibe is mellow and the staff are always pleased to offer advice, suggestions or just hang out. Please feel free to pay us a visit. We will always make you feel welcome.
Sagarmatha Seeds
Sagarmatha Seeds wishes to thank all of her satisfied customers for proliferation of our product and reputation across the globe. A worldwide genetic pool was placed in our care to provide marijuana smokers and growers with fresh, original varieties of marijuana.
After more than 10 years of service we have emerged as a creditable source of connoisseur quality cannabis seeds. Together with your feedback and interest we will continue to provide a variety of delectable treats for the many marijuana farmers of the world. These "magic beans" have given Sagarmatha and friends many hours of enjoyment and entertainment. Every stage of development, from planning, planting to finally providing, has been a tremendous pleasure.
Almost every experience will have peaks and valleys over time - every farmer has their share. We believe Sagarmatha's peaks will give our customers the highest cerebral views and physical sensations possible with marijuana.
Please enjoy our catalogue with a friend. We hope you will be able to partake in some of our potent products. Perhaps with your participation and our plants we can help create some peace for our planet.
BOG's interpretation of..... My History as Pertaining to Pot
Back in about 1970 we were 16 and trying to grow bagseed outside with little success but we did have some plants and we did smoke some immature weed. I was married at 18 and by age 19 I had my own farm where I grew outdoors. I became successful to a point but genetics were not easily available and I had to do the best I had with what I had. You never really knew what you had but you thought it tasted like what might have been called this or that.
It wasnt at all scientific but i read hightimes and I learned about sinse early on so my plants were good pot if they would finish and I developed my own strains. Another friend of mine also had a fine strain we called Blanchard Weed and it rivaled my best now in heavy resins. I had created my own feminized line i called "RED" and it yielded more than his and tasted great but it wasnt as potent. Eventually I mixed his with mine and grew this cross, mine more sativaish and his was indica. Eventually the strain became hermaphroditic due to many generations of inbreeding.
I was online in early '99 and this is when I got access to Seedsdirect and Gypsy. He sent me many genetics and many growers at OG sent me seeds to work with. Getting lucky with a few good strains I made f2 seeds and selected clones. Years of selection led to a very fine bubblegum called Bogbubble and that was crossed later to a NL5 to make Bogglegum. When Lifesaver came out people saw that I was 3 for 3 and they couldn't understand how a small grower did it?
Gypsy still calls me the "Enigma" which means mystery and I prefer to maintain some of the mystery as part of my BOG myth. You know about me living in a cave and great grand daddy being an alien. I am not a myth however and those who have judged me by the fruits of my labors no longer question how I do my work. Now Sour Bubble is going to stun the breeding world. Just mark my words.
Having been around for more than ten years, T.H. Seeds has established itself as one of the most highly regarded seed companies in the world. It has introduced to the world numerous and now infamous cannabis varieties such as the original Bubblegum, the impressive sativa S.A.G.E. and many more. It can definitely be said that T.H. Seeds has secured its place as a leading competitor in the cannabis seed industry as they won first prize in the Indica Seed Category at the High Times Cannabis Cup for two years in a row now, for respectively The Hog (2002) and MK-Ultra (2003).
1993 was the year T.H. Seeds established its name in the world of cannabis cultivation. Right in the center of Amsterdam, it had its base at the cool hangout called C.I.A. (Cannabis in Amsterdam). The C.I.A. was not only the headquarters for T.H. Seeds but also the first outlet for Europe’s first and finest Hemp store Hempworks.
Many notorious cannabis connoisseurs were impressed by the C.I.A and it quickly became one of the most popular places to visit, meet other cannabis enthusiasts and exchange knowledge on cannabis cultivation. R.C. Clarke perfectly described it as he named it “the epicenter of the cannabis universe”.
Due to Amsterdam’s bureaucratic reasoning in 1995, the C.I.A. had to close down, but fortunately they found a great location right around the corner from where the store used to be. T.H. Seeds and Hempworks are now established on one of Amsterdam’s most famous shopping streets, the Nieuwendijk.
Impressive introductions followed like the living legend S.A.G.E. in 1995. This strain rapidly became one of the worlds most sought after sativa’s. The great flavor and the long lasting high conquered many cannabis loving hearts. The great results on growing this plant made it one of the most attractive sativa’s to grow. Over the years S.A.G.E. has been gaining more and more respect resulting in numerous awards. In the year 2000 it took first place at the High Times Cannabis Cup in the hash category. A year later it won the second prize in the Press Cup at the same Cup. In 2002 it was awarded at the High Life Cup with a second prize for seed companies and also grabbed second place in the outdoor category.
Other interesting strains from T.H. Seeds’ original collection include the flavorful Chocolate Chunk, the massive producer Heavy Duty Fruity, the resin-packed Kal-X and a knockout variety The Hog.
This year T.H. Seeds added two new varieties to its collection: Sage ‘n Sour, a killer cross between the flagship strain S.A.G.E. and the infamous Sour Diesel. A tasty Sativa with a reasonably short flowering time. The other new strain is called MK Ultra. A special cross between the legendary (super strong!) G-13 and world famous L.A. Kush, Very strong and flavorful.
One thing’s for sure and that is that T.H. Seeds has grown a lot in the past years. Its main focus has always been and always will be preserving and improving their line of top quality of seeds and meeting the demands of growers and smokers.
T.H.Seeds past Victories:
1995 Cannabis Cup: Kal-X hash laminate takes 3rd place in the hash category
1996 Cannabis Cup: Bubblegum hash micro-chip takes 3rd place in the hash category
1996 HasH Bash: Bubblegum laminated hash takes 2nd place in the hash category.
1998 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. takes 3rd highest THC level with 21% THC. This THC test included all 50 varieties entered including seed companies and coffeeshops giving The S.A.G.E. a higher THC level then any of the Cannabis Cup winners
1999 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. takes 3rd highest THC from all the varieties entered.
1999 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. water hash takes 2nd place in the Hash category.
1999 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. water hash takes 2nd highest THC level with over 46%
2000 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. water hash takes 1st place in the hash category
2001 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. takes 2nd place for best overall weed in the Press Cup, voted by the international press.
2001 Cannabis Cup: S.A.G.E. rated highest Sativa by High Times writer Kyle Kushman.
2002 Cannabis Cup : The HOG, takes first place in the seed company Indica Cup
2003 Cannabis Cup : MK Ultra, takes first place in the seed company Indica Cup
The Story of Serious Seeds
The breeder behind Serious Seeds, Simon, is responsible for the material sold by the seed bank. He studied biology at one of the universities in Amsterdam and was always a non smoker. (Tabacco, and therefore also marihuana because in Holland it is common practice to mix the latter with tabacco and roll a joint.) He only discovered the merits of smoking pure marihuana after his study while travelling through Africa in 1986. Today he remains one of the few dutch who smoke this wonderplant in its pure form as one should. From that moment on he started collecting seeds. Back in Holland he immediately started growing those seeds out for personal pleasure crossing what he thought were the best plants seemed a natural follow up. Contacts with other growers gave him access to different plants from which he also selected the best ones. The genetic background of this material was not always clear.
Simon taught biology at a highschool when Alan Dronkers asked him to come and work at Sensi Seeds. It was quite a carreer change to do that but he never felt sorry about it. After some time working for Sensi he left and started a seed company with some American pot refugees. That year (1994) the AK-47 as well as the Chronoc won prices at the American Cannabis Cup festival in Amsterdam. That first seed company with the Americanshowever fell apart soon, and in 1995 Serious Seeds was grounded. It has always been a Serious policy to have the products grown from the different seeds available to trie out in some of the best coffeeshops in Amsterdam. The 'Greenhouse' is one of those coffeeshops which carries Serious' products to smoke from the start in 1995 to this date. Greenhouse coffeeshop won a Cannabis Cup in 1995 with the Kalimist grown by Serious Seeds. In 1996 another famous Amsterdam coffeeshop the 'Dampkring' won the Overall Cup at that years Cannabis Cup with the newest Serious strain White Russian. Another serious shop from the early days is the 'Blue Bird' and recently also the 'Dread Rock', they really sell what is listed instead of anything under an often asked for name.
Serious has always been a small company, and prefers to stay like that. We love to smoke ourselves and basically trie to develop new and interesting plants to grow and smoke for our own pleasure as well as for our clients.
This means we don't work to produce some- thing new every year for commercial reasons or to compete in the next contest. We want to put a new name out when we think we have something worth while for pot growers and smokers to trie out.
F1 hybrid - first generation offspring of 2 (usually different and unrelated) parents
Germination - the sprouting of a seed, the tip of the root appears first
Indica - referring to type of plant which looks short, bushy, leafy with broad leafs, grows a dense, compact bud in a shorter flowering time than another type of plant; Sativa
Medicinal plant - plant seemingly useful for certain groups of patients (usually with high concentration of THC, possibly combined with other cannabinoids)
Sativa – type of plant which looks tall, slender, with open in stead of dense buds, long flower times, but with usually better smoking effect than other type of plant; indica
Strain – a line of plants from common ancestors with certain characteristics
THC – short for the molecule responsible for the High effect in Cannabis
Plant of the Year 2003: Serious Seeds 'AK47'
It seems strange to choose as ‘PLANT OF THE YEAR’ a plant, which has been around for almost ten years. The prestigious ‘High Times’ magazine made the decision And was published in the December issue. What was the reason for this?
The original article was written by Jorge Cervantas, the author of ‘Indoor Marihuana Horticulture’ and a regular co-writer for the American magazine. He told me that he wasn’t part of the group who came to this decision but merely got the order to write the story. Since he doesn’t live in the US any more he is not aware of all the things going on at the office. When contacting the SERIOUS SEEDS office I didn’t get much wiser. It was a surprise to them also. Although they stated that it was a well-earned price for a plant, which, notwithstanding the fact that it won more awards than any other plant known, still was never trumpeted about much.
Could that be it? Surely the AK-47 is a well-known name in the cannabis scene since Serious Seeds coined it in 1995. But when scanning through old magazines I have to admit that little attention was given to it in articles. The fact that it is well known amongst growers is mostly from own experience and from their opinions given in chat rooms on the Internet. But when you look at a well-known name like ‘White Widow’ another plant thrown into the world by Dutch breeders at about the same time as the ‘AK-47’ the latter seems under snowed by the first. For years the name ‘White Widow’ was heard everywhere. But now, almost ten years later it seems that the AK-47 has been gaining popularity over the years and was slowly but surely growing out to be such an acknowledged and reliable champion that there was enough reason to have it chosen as plant of the year 2004. The popularity of this plant is not due to some successful and carefully planned campaign. No, it came from what matters; from the experience of growers everywhere buying the seeds and liking the results they got from them. They made the plant popular and if this is the reason for the ‘Plant of the year’ choice than it is indeed a rightful one.
An ongoing phenomenon with popular seed names, which has been seen for years, is that other Companies like to use those names. They start selling seeds under either the same or almost the same name as the original. People who don’t know the name of the companies who produced the original seed names are an easy victim when they ask for this name and get a cheap imitation in stead. At this moment for example is the ‘Nirvana’seed company doing exactly that. They sell a seed with the name of ‘AK-48’, how original can you be? But that’s not all. When you compare the description of this strain at their website with that of ‘AK-47’ by Serious Seeds it is impossible to see a difference. They copied it till the last letter, won awards and all!! This is not only parasiting on the popularity of reputable seed companies, it is cheating and robbing people who are not aware of what is going on. Practices like this are the cause of bad raps in the cannabis scene. Although ‘Nirvana’ is not the only seed producer making money like this, they seem to be the leading company when it comes to parasiting on popular names.
Facts of AK-47:
The name does not refer to any violent idea but was chosen because it is a ‘one hit wonder’
At least 7 awards were gathered over the years in different weed festivals
With 20% THC the strongest entry at the Amsterdam’ Cannabis Cup of 1999 (2nd place)
The name AK-47 is sometimes also used by other seed companies than Serious Seeds, this is a common thing when certain names become popular (BEWARE!)
The original packaging comes in an airtight tube containing 15 seeds attached to a card with a picture of the strain on the front and a serial number, which must be kept in case problems do occur
Please look for the original packaging when you buy Serious Seeds strains or you know they are copies.
The Story of Magus Genetics
Not everybody succeeds in finding his destination at first go. Many people pass through several jobs before finally discovering – often by chance – that special thing that they like the most and want to do forever. This often applies to people who are active in the field of hemp business, here lateral hires are more rule than exception. There is no special “hemp apprenticeship” that would directly pave the way into the branch, so many people have a different approach, making use of something that they`ve learnt in their former jobs or by self-made education.
Gerrit exactly is that kind of “patchwork guy”. The list of jobs he went through before falling for hemp is long and manifold. Gerrit reports: “I had a shipload of different jobs, varying from working in the flower bulb industry, to being an electrician, maintenance engineer, industrial paint sprayer, grease monkey (car repair moonlighter), steel caster, and bartender/porter, just to name a few.” But he openly admits that he “did not like working for a boss”, “I'm not very good with authorities”, as he puts it. Discovering the drug cannabis should not only lead to the end of his job odyssey, but also serve as an act of deliverance to him: Gerrit managed to turn away from alcohol. While not having been a typical alcoholic, he used to drink a lot quite often, afterwards turning aggressive and erratic. At the early age of eleven already, Gerrit had smoked cannabis for the first time, but not noticed anything else than nausea. It wasn`t until he became 17 or 18 that he tried it again, however, always in the state of drunkenness so that cannabis would have a sedative, sleepy effect on him every time. Sometimes later, when he had decided to stop boozing, he sensed that “cannabis could do a lot more than just putting me asleep”. Amongst other things, helping him to become laidback and peaceable, ceasing his “jumpy neurotic behaviour”, but most important of it all: It supported him in keeping his hands away from alcohol. Hence it`s no surprise that Gerrit says: “Cannabis has enriched my life”.
And that not only mentally. Because with his small, but fine seed collection, Gerrit has been very successful for years already, in addition, he opened a hemp shop in Enkhuizen/NL in Juli 2002 („Magus Genetics Hemp Store“) which also gains much resonance. But one thing after another. Because the way in which Gerrit attained his seed strains, and how he happened to open a seed bank, is very uncommon. At the beginning of the 90ies, he started home growing, choosing an outdoor location. He used Afghani and Skunk bag seeds that he had selected out of coffeeshop weed in 1989. Because he was not familiar with female and male cannabis flowers, he did not realize that the Afghani plants were male and pollinated a female skunk, resulting in a lot of F1 seeds. In the following winter, Gerrit also practised indoor cultivation, mainly making use of clones that he had bought from a friend. But he also took some seedlings and clones of his own material, both his self-F1 hybrid Skunk/Afghani and once again the supposedly pure, but commercial Skunk bag seeds. He noticed that his own F1 hybrids of Skunk/Afghani clearly were more vigorous than the pure Skunk plants, but could not match them in terms of smell and taste. Because his Skunk seed supply was exhausted, Gerrit decided to hybridize his last female Skunk specimens (he had taken several cuttings of the best plant), with the pollen of some male Skunk/Afghani F1s. The resulting generation proved to be very vigorous and even superior to the Skunk mother in terms of aroma and potency, but did not yield as much as the bought cuttings so that Gerrit kept buying them and only grew a few of his own pedigree in the shaded corners of the room. Until spring 2003, he left it with that, but then suddenly his friend got into troubles and Gerrit was forced to fill out the whole cultivation space with his own hybrids. Thanks to this accident, he realised that the reason why his own hybrids had always yielded lower than the bought cuttings simply was that they had to stand in the shade, far away from the light source. From now on, they received optimum light intensities, what made them yield very well, too, and Gerrit made up his mind to exclusively grow his own genetic material in the future, instead of “being dependent on other people”.
But he also had another incentive to grow his own: Meanwhile he had gotten into contact with the “Bluebird”, one of Amsterdam`s most popular coffeeshops, and the Bluebird guys sold Gerrit`s own creation under the name “Warlock”, enthusing a steadily increasing circle of customers that cried for more. And they should get more – Gerrit managed to further improve his hybrid`s yield, by optimizing the growing factors. He did not continue the breeding process and kept on reproducing one single superb mother plant by taking cutting from cutting over years. However, in 1997 he got worried about the germination power of his original hybrid seeds which were several years old now. He also was afraid that in case of being busted or stolen, his mother plants would disappear forever. So Gerrit decided to make a cut in production and put the whole matter on a more professional basis. He also felt inspired by the fact that the Bluebird had taken 3rd place in the bio category of the High Times Cannabis Cup 1997 with his “Warlock”. He sowed all original seeds that were left, still obtaining a good germination rate. Simultaneously he started reading a lot of botanical and breeding literature, what made him realise that he would need far more growing space in order to get the best out of the genetic potential of his hybrid. So he hired a larger grow room, at the same time letting his seed operation be regularly registered at the local chamber of commerce from January 1998. Between 1997 and 1998, Gerrit worked with 50 different breeding lines that he had created out of 25 female individuals and 2 different males. He made sure to have numerous safety copies of the respective parents and selected the best line for creating Warlock as commercially available seed strain for the first time, introducing it to the market at the High Times Cannabis Cup 1998 with great response.
Warlock – this strain proved to be a true lucky punch. It is especially remarkable that a breeder has created something outstanding and unique out of completely regular and commercial strains like Afghani and Skunk. In the following years, Gerrit experimented within the original gene pool what resulted in a new father plant for Warlock. This specimen was also used to create new varieties like Exile (x White Widow/Northern Lights), Starwarz (x Sensi Star), and Double Dutch (x pre-2000 Chronic), while Starwarz is only available as weed at the “Bluebird”, not as seed strain. Gerrit himself prefers Warlock, when it comes to the quality of the high, but recommends the Double Dutch for optimum yields. He says that the 1999 ban on seed production in Holland actually was irrelevant to him, because he used to work in the underground likewise before and after that. He had already decided to move to a slightly smaller grow room at the end of 1998, since the rent had proved to too high for him, as he had not yet started the professional sale of seeds. But also now, he has an adequate facility for ensuring both further development and maintenance of his strains. Double Dutch also became most popular within short, and Gerrit`s latest hit, the outdoor strain “Biddy Early” (Early Pearl/Skunk x Warlock, “but there is way too much Early Pearl influence to call it an outdoor Warlock”, as Gerrit says), surprised everybody at the High Times Cup 2003 by taking second place in the sativa category, beating numerous indoor strains! Gerrit is also working on other breeding projects, such as Sensi Star x Warlock, and an exotic sativa strain called “Zamal”. He believes that the seed market will keep on increasing in the future, but also, that the price dumping, as practised by certain competitors, will get even worse. Gerrit for his part wants to keep his reasonable prices (50-70 Euros for 10 seeds are a fair offer).
He grows his plants on a regular peat-moss/perlite medium, pH 5.8 and EC 0.8 in the beginning. For plants that reach a height of up to 60 cm in the course of their life cycle, he uses 7.5 litre pots, which is sufficient for most of his experimental plants. Night and day temperatures usually amount to 15 resp. 25°C, at an air humidity of approx. 70% during vegetative growth, and about 50% in the flowering stage. For producing seeds for sale, Gerrit uses two male/female plant pairs (identical copies) at different locations, out of safety reasons.
In the summer of 2002, he opened his “Magus Genetics Hemp Store“ in Enkhuizen, offering almost every availabe hemp product to his customers. Gerrit had the special goal to create an appealing shop ambience, because he “wanted to to break up all that common associations concerning hemp like illegality and ominousness, and to appeal also to non-cannabis smokers, with a nice looking and inviting shop”. And he succeeded in this goal, according to Gerrit, many people come to his shop who are curious about the manifold ways of hemp application and respective products, like textiles, cosmetics, healthy foods or hemp paper. The drug aspects are also frequently discussed thereby, and Gerrit feels happy then about being in a position to give competent advice and education. It was especially important to Gerrit to expand his business in terms of communication and customer contact. But his wife Corinna, his right hand in the company, of course plays the most important role in his life: “She`s the only thing in life that has a greater influence on me than cannabis”, he reveals – what a nice end to this story.
The Story of The Flying Dutchman
One of the few people in the world with a Cannabis history of more than 30 years decided to share his experience and knowledge about breeding the highest quality Cannabis seed varieties.
Thousands and thousands of people must have grown his seeds without knowing they were his, as a wholesaler he provided many seed retailers with his seeds.
Now he has given a new dimension to his life of working with Cannabis by opening the Cannabis College Foundation Amsterdam and his first Flying Dutchmen Seed shop.
During the sixties in Holland, all that was available was hashish, and low grade imported grass. During the early seventies, a small number of Dutch enthusiasts started to grow two Dutch strains, known as ‘The Purple’ and ‘The Green Lemon’ types. These were very large plants with small buds and a very average taste and high. In fact during the Second World War this grass was used as a substitute for tobacco.
Eventually a few seeds made it over from Afghanistan so the Dutch started to work with this new variety.
Suddenly this weird character showed up on the scene from America trying to introduce the Dutch enthusiasts to some new varieties of seeds.
He brought over pure true breeding strains like Early California, Thai, Mexican and Silver Haze from Columbia, Afghan and South African seeds. Most importantly he brought over a few crosses that he had already made himself, including the very first Skunk Number One which is a Columbian, Mexican, Afghan cross. This earnt him his present nickname THE SKUNK MAN.
Eddy who worked directly with The Skunk Man was one of the three major players of that time with an interest in superior plants.
The base genetics for almost all the grass that you see in Holland today originates from these three guys work. They were all a little sceptical of The Skunk Man’s bigger and better American ways but Eddy decided to grow out his seeds in greenhouses, using crude methods to simulate day and night cycles and gauge the results for themselves.
In 1984 the first crop was grown out and the results were outstanding, higher yield and better quality, Eddy never looked back.
In order to find ideal genetics (both the male and female) plants were being grown out of seeds, tens of thousands at a time in a green house and the top 50 were selected, then crossed again and grown out thousands at a time, always trying to isolate the best.
Once you have found the best breeding stock by allowing all plants to fully mature (flower).
How do you hold that plant back for future breeding genetics?
There were talks that in America a couple of people had experimented with the concept of cloning.
Eddy chose some mature female flower cuttings and left them under florescent lights in someone’s attic in the hope that they just might take. After 18 weeks only 20% survived, but it was not until a further 6 months had passed that one of the plants ‘sprouted one little leaf’ probably the first successful cloning of flowered cannabis ever.
The moment that little leaf shoot appeared cannabis history changed forever.
Paradise Seeds - How it all began…
After 12 years of growing, testing and experimenting with many different varieties, Paradise Seeds was founded in 1994. About 17 years ago in Amsterdam, many coffeeshops started to sell imported hash from India Afghanistan or Morocco and weed from Thailand, Columbia, Mexico or Malawi. Most of this was of poor quality. But things were changing, new types were introduced from the U.S that were early crossbreeds of already higher quality. Since then we got involved in the early research for better quality strains. This took place in Amsterdam and at several outdoor locations in Holland. Our aim was to create better weed, with a sweet/spicy taste and stronger high, for our own use.
This resulted in several new varieties and the seeds were given to a number of people to grow. Due to early pioneers such as ourselves, Dutch cannabis became the best in the world and growing got evermore popular. Also many foreign people realised Dutch cannabis was of the highest quality. They took seeds home, to grow for personal use. At that time our seeds found their way to the people at a local coffeeshop in Amsterdam.
The demand increased and what started as research and experiments for personal knowledge and dedication to the Ganja bush, had become ‘Paradise Seeds’, a reputable seed bank, for growers that demand only genuine and finest quality seeds.
In 1999 we won the first prize with our famous variety Sensi Star in the Highlife Cup, the biggest, objective contest in Holland, for coffeeshops, growshops and seedbanks. Again in 1999 we won first prize in the Hightimes Cannabis Cup with Sensi Star, and got fourth with Nebula! In 2000 we won second prize with Sensti Star again at the Hightimes Cannabis Cup.
Paradise seeds maintains strict selection criteria on characteristics such as potency and taste. This results in the creation of powerful strains, that will satisfy everyone who wants to enjoy the sweetest fruits of the Dutch garden of Eden. Our seeds are grown organically and tested regularly on viability. We are dealing with living material, therefore we can not guarantee that all seeds will germinate. One packet contains 10 seeds, and comes with basic information on growing, flowering and harvesting.
Be aware there are several imitations on the market. Feel free to contact us for information where to purchase the original Paradise Seeds. Give us a call while having a spaced out visit to Amsterdam, if you want to take some seeds home!
Due to the excellent quality of our seeds and our dedication to the ganja bush, you can soon proudly present your friends with a master smoke!
Paradise Seeds
The Story of Soma
Soma is a 55 year old Rastafarian who is spiritually dedicated to the Sacred cannabis plant. He has been working with the plant for 37 years. He wears pants and shirts made out of it, smokes it constantly,he has a prescription for 10 grams a day, and studies every aspect of the marijuana phenomenon.
He feels that it is one of the tools that can save humanity from it's direction of self destruction. He knows that it helps healing take place whenever and wherever it is used. Unlike aspirin, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and nuclear radiation, cannabis has never killed anyone. It is one of the safest therapeutic substances known to man. Humankind has been using it since time immemorial.
It is one of the best paper sources in the whole wide world, it can be recycled 7 times, takes one fifth of the pollution to manufacture than tree paper, and could be a totally renewable source of Bio-fuel. Hempseed is one of the best sources of vegetable protein available on planet earth and 55% of a mature cannabis plant is seeds.
The only problem is the art of cannabis has been recently lost to mankind, it has been lied about, it has been suppressed, it has come close to genocide and the fear factor for this safest of substances has been blown totally out of proportion. Soma Seeds plans on changing the direction a few things are going these days. First of all Soma Seeds is an earth friendly business striving to think of earth first in the business that we create. We grow our seeds biologically, we let our hearts guide us with the plants, not calendars, not money, not power trips, but a sacredness, a vibration of mutual trust, an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, a friendship. Soma Seeds focus's on the medicinal side of cannabis,constantly striving to find better and better geneticis to be used in a medicinal way.
Medicinal cannabis has to be grown in a manner where the end product is truly going to make the patient feel better, not full of pesticides, poisons, and money vibes. Our seeds are tested constantly for their germination quality. We have a line of 100% female seeds as well as male and female seeds. Our male and female seeds are usually about 30% male 70% female.
We have 20 different types of seeds available.
The Story of Nirvana
Cannabis seeds history of Nirvana goes way back to the end of the 1980's. At that time Nirvana's founder was working at Amsterdam's most famous grow-shop, the legendary "Positronics", and it was the knowledge and inspiration that he received there that moved him to think about starting his own cannabis seeds company. Years were spent traveling, seeking out and collecting marijuana seeds from the finest strains. And more years went in experimentation, growing, cross breeding and developing the new cannabis strains from among which Nirvana selected the best to become their range of high quality hybrid marijuana seeds. After applying and expanding his experience in a number of Amsterdam's best known grow-shops it came time to offer the expertise he had gained, and the high quality products he had developed, to the world. The result of this initiative was the foundation of Nirvana in 1995. Originally a cannabis seed specialist, Nirvana is now an innovative business concept. It has developed into a shop with a unique and original range of self-developed hemp products that extend the uses of this extraordinary plant further than ever before.
While constantly improving and extending its range of high quality cannabis seeds, Nirvana has also developed a range of hemp products that are unique. As the new millennium starts, alongside Nirvana's own Home-brew Hemp Wine and Hemp Beer, there is a choice of original products such as Hemp Vinegar, Hemp Ice Tea and Eva's Paradijs, Hemp Liqueur.
In the heart of the picturesque Pijp, the Nirvana B.V. Headquarter lives up to its name; adding colour and serenity to the surrounding streets. Inside, Among the holy images and smart shop products, the vibe is mellow and the staff are always pleased to offer advice, suggestions or just hang out. Please feel free to pay us a visit. We will always make you feel welcome.
Sagarmatha Seeds
Sagarmatha Seeds wishes to thank all of her satisfied customers for proliferation of our product and reputation across the globe. A worldwide genetic pool was placed in our care to provide marijuana smokers and growers with fresh, original varieties of marijuana.
After more than 10 years of service we have emerged as a creditable source of connoisseur quality cannabis seeds. Together with your feedback and interest we will continue to provide a variety of delectable treats for the many marijuana farmers of the world. These "magic beans" have given Sagarmatha and friends many hours of enjoyment and entertainment. Every stage of development, from planning, planting to finally providing, has been a tremendous pleasure.
Almost every experience will have peaks and valleys over time - every farmer has their share. We believe Sagarmatha's peaks will give our customers the highest cerebral views and physical sensations possible with marijuana.
Please enjoy our catalogue with a friend. We hope you will be able to partake in some of our potent products. Perhaps with your participation and our plants we can help create some peace for our planet.
BOG's interpretation of..... My History as Pertaining to Pot

Back in about 1970 we were 16 and trying to grow bagseed outside with little success but we did have some plants and we did smoke some immature weed. I was married at 18 and by age 19 I had my own farm where I grew outdoors. I became successful to a point but genetics were not easily available and I had to do the best I had with what I had. You never really knew what you had but you thought it tasted like what might have been called this or that.

It wasnt at all scientific but i read hightimes and I learned about sinse early on so my plants were good pot if they would finish and I developed my own strains. Another friend of mine also had a fine strain we called Blanchard Weed and it rivaled my best now in heavy resins. I had created my own feminized line i called "RED" and it yielded more than his and tasted great but it wasnt as potent. Eventually I mixed his with mine and grew this cross, mine more sativaish and his was indica. Eventually the strain became hermaphroditic due to many generations of inbreeding.
I was online in early '99 and this is when I got access to Seedsdirect and Gypsy. He sent me many genetics and many growers at OG sent me seeds to work with. Getting lucky with a few good strains I made f2 seeds and selected clones. Years of selection led to a very fine bubblegum called Bogbubble and that was crossed later to a NL5 to make Bogglegum. When Lifesaver came out people saw that I was 3 for 3 and they couldn't understand how a small grower did it?
Gypsy still calls me the "Enigma" which means mystery and I prefer to maintain some of the mystery as part of my BOG myth. You know about me living in a cave and great grand daddy being an alien. I am not a myth however and those who have judged me by the fruits of my labors no longer question how I do my work. Now Sour Bubble is going to stun the breeding world. Just mark my words.

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